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We are followers of Jesus Christ who embrace distinctive Baptist principles:  the obligation of each believer to read and interpret the Bible, the freedom to act in accordance with one's conscience, the separation of church and state.  These principles help us to get along well with each other and work together productively, even though our members hold a variety of opinions on political, social, and theological issues. 

We practice believer's baptism and observe the ordinance of Communion on the first Sunday of the month.

First Baptist Church is self-governed by its members in accordance with its Constitution and By-Laws.  We are affiliated with the Wisconsin Region of American Baptist Churches and American Baptist Churches-USA.

We support and partner with several community organizations including Grand Avenue Club, Milwaukee Christian Center, Guest House of Milwaukee, and Street Angels.


MARY SCHECHER, Minister of Worship and Music Director

Mary Schecher began her music ministry at First Baptist Church in 1991.  She is a graduate of Alverno College, holds master's degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Concordia University, and a doctorate from the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies.  She serves as organist and directs the Chancel Choir and Handbell Choir.

During the current interim period between pastors, Mary Schecher designs the Sunday worship service in cooperation with the person who will be preaching.

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Early settlers voted on May 1, 1841 to dissolve the Milwaukee Baptist Church, which had been founded in the Walker's Point section of Milwaukee, for the purpose of reorganizing in North Greenfield (now West Allis).  The first church met in the home of Eber Cornwall, whose farm was about half a mile west of the current building.

Today's building incorporates the original church building.  That structure was built in 1869 near what is now S 83rd St and W National Ave, and moved twice to arrive at its current location, inside our South Wing.  The sanctuary was built in 1929 and the Educational Wing was dedicated in 1960.

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